How do I reset Communicator 5 to factory settings?

juli 29, 2016

To reset Tobii Communicator 5 to factory settings follow the steps below:
  1. Open Communicator
  2. Right-click on the page set to open the Quick-Access Menu.
  3. Select Advanced Settings and open the System tab.
  4. Click on Data Folders
  5. In Data Folders click both Explore... buttons to open explorer windows to both A: Personal Data folder and B: Application data folder. They will be exploring:C:\Users\[Windows User Name]\Documents\Communicator 5\ andC:\Users\[Windows User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Tobii Dynavox\Communicator\5\
  6. Close Communicator
  7. From the two explorer windows delete the contents of folder A and B.
All your personal data is now deleted and Communicator will now be reset to factory settings. Please be aware that this data deletion is irreversible, don't do it if you feel uncomfortable with working in the Windows file structure.