Creating and resetting button and page overrides

maj 08, 2017

Creating and resetting button and page overrides
Snap has a number of global default setting that make it simple for you change a setting across all pages in the page set, such as grid size, button layout, font size, etc. There may be instances when you want page or a button(s) to look different from the global default. You have the ability to turn off Match Page Set setting for the desired setting to achieve the change you want.
User-added image
Above is an example of a simple text to symbol matching activity. By default, the button layout is Label Bottom, Image Top. Here, you can override the buttons layout so one column uses Image Only and the other uses Label Only. Changing page set button layout would no longer affect these buttons. 

You can always restore the page set default by editing the button or page and turning on Match Page Set setting for the necessary settings. 

Button have the following global defaults: Font, Font Size, Bold and Button Layout.

Pages have the following global defaults: Grid Size, Background Color and Message Bar Visibility.