How Do I Create a Custom Folder in Which to Put Custom Pages?

juli 27, 2016

1. Select the Modify button in the top right corner of the screen.


2.  On the dialog that opens, select Settings.
NOTE:  If your Toolbar is open, you can simply select the Settings button. kA1G0000000931eKAA_en_US_1_1

3. Select Page Browser.

4. Use the arrow button at the upper left of the screen to navigate up through the layers of folders until you reach the area you wish to place a new folder .


4, Select Manage at the top right of the screen (circled in the illustration above). A button bar will open.


5.  Select the New Folder button on the button bar.

6. .Enter a name for the folder in the Folder Name dialog.

8.  Select OK in the Folder Name dialog.

9. Select the green Done button at the top right corner of the page when you are done making folders.