How do I play music and videos in the MyTobii software?

juni 14, 2016

There are 3 main ways to play music and videos in MyTobii:

  1. MyTobii Media Player
    1. Using this application in MyTobii requires the MyTobii Entertainment license.
    2. MyTobii Media Player can play wma, mp3, mpg, mpeg, wmv, wm, or avi files
    3. Any music files you want to play need to be placed in My Documents/My MyTobii Music
    4. For videos the folder is Documents/My MyTobii Videos
  2. Mouse Control or an on-screen keyboard to access a 3rd party application for example:
    1. Using a sound card with headphones / Windows Media Player/ iTunes (needs to be installed) / play music/video through the internet.
  3. VS Communicator 4
    1. Use the pre-made page sets to listen to the music stored on your computer