Does Tobii Dynavox still support Windows 7 for my iSeries Classic device?

augusti 02, 2019

Support for Win7 is coming to an end.

After Microsoft announces a date, there will be no further security updates or technical assistance from Microsoft for Windows 7 whatsoever.

How will this affect you as an I-Series Classic user?

It means that Tobii Dynavox in case of a repair, will have to install Windows 7 with the image we have access to. It could also mean that future updates to Tobii Dynavox software such as Communicator might require software updates that are no longer available for Windows 7. Tobii Dynavox will only be able to run limited test for Windows 7 compatibility for future Tobii Dynavox updates.

The I-Series Classic runs Windows 7. After Microsoft’s end date for Windows 7, you will not receive any more automatic Windows updates that help protect your PC. Microsoft will also stop providing Windows Defender for download and in a second phase stop supplying antimalware signature updates for WD for Windows 7. Your computer will still work after support from Microsoft ends. Your Control Center software, Gaze Interactions, Communicator, etc will continue working too. However, please be aware that your I-Series Classic might become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses. We recommend you look for an alternative antivirus protection if you use Windows Defender 

How much longer will Tobii Dynavox support and repair the I-Series Classic?

End of Support and Service for the I-Series Classic ends in June 2020, or 5 years after purchase, whichever date comes first but only as long as our spare parts supply lasts.

Can't a user just update an I-Series Classic to Windows 8 or 10?

The I-Series Classic has been tested and certified to run with Windows 7. The I-Series Classic hardware is not compatible with Windows 8 nor 10.  Tobii Dynavox does not offer support for installing different operating systems and in case of a repair, we have to redeploy all units to Windows 7. We cannot support any problems related to a possible update.

Here's the latest from Microsoft, as well.  Click here