How do I add my My Own Voice (MOV4) to TD Snap

maj 16, 2023

You will need to have an account with Acapela My Own Voice in order to use it within TD Snap. A trial or paid for account will work.

Select the gear icon in the upper right corner to access the settings within TD Snapsettingsicon.JPG
Select the User Tab in the lower area.
Select the Blue arrow on the far right of the current voice. Voice arrow.JPG
Select the Additional voices on the right side of the Speaking voices areaadditionalvoices.JPG
Select the Acapela My-Own-Voice Log-InAcapelaMOV4.JPG

Select the log in option and enter your email and password to log into the Acapela MOV4 account. Select Log In.

Return to the speaking voice area and you will see the My-own voice downloading.
youraccount name here.png

Fully exit TD Snap and "swipe it away" and then fully restart the iPad

When complete it will be listed under the Installed voices area.

Here is a video as well.