How do I Create a Freeform Button in Compass?

juli 27, 2016

Navigate to the page on which you wish to add a freeform button.

1.  Select the Modify button in the top right corner of the page.


2. On the dialog that opens, select Settings, then Page Browser, select the page you wish to edit, then Editor.

3. Select Standard on the Editing Toolbar.


4.  Select Freeform Button.


5. Touch the screen and use your finger (or mouse if using the editing software) to draw out the button.

6. Once satisfied with your changes choose File from the Editing Toolbar.

  kA1G00000009veZKAQ_en_US_1_3  then select Save  kA1G00000009veZKAQ_en_US_1_4

7. To close the page, select Exit on the Editing Toolbar.
