How do I scroll using eye gaze in Windows Control?

januari 30, 2019

  1. Select the Task.
  2. Look at any scrollable area and hold your gaze.  The Gaze Scroll icon will appear where you looked.
  3. Look above the icon to scroll up.
  4. Look below the icon to scroll down.
  5. Look to the left of the icon to scroll left.
  6. Look to the right of the icon to scroll right.
  7. While scrolling, look back at the icon (on the screen, not the Taskbar icon) to toggle between up/down or left/right.
  8. Look back at the Windows Control Taskbar (or outside of the screen) to end scrolling.
Note: Use the Gaze Scroll Task to scroll vertically and horizontally in Modern UI apps and the Modern UI Windows Start Screen.