How Does Message Content Transition in the All Access Pageset

juli 27, 2016

Affects: All versions of the All Access Pageset

Messages in the All Access pageset are organized by communication intent. There are five intents represented in most topic layouts; questions, comments, positive, negative and personal. The arrangement of the message by intent is mapped differently for each buttons layout.

Here is the message intent map for the 56 button layout:

question question question question question question question question
comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment
comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment
positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive
negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative
personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal
personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal
Here is the message intent map for the 20 button layout:
question question question question question
comment comment comment comment comment
positive positive positive negative negative
personal personal personal personal personal
If you try to map the content of the 56 button layout in to the 20 button layout, you will need 4 pages to show all the content.
By default, the All Access is set to limit scrolling to only two pages of content, so in the example above, the following messages from the 56 button layout would "appear" to have disappeared when you look at the 20 button layout.
question question question question question question question question
comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment
comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment
positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive
negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative
personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal
personal personal personal personal personal personal personal personal
You can change the Maximum Number of Topic Pages setting to 4, which would allow you to see all the content that was available in the 56 button layout. This setting can be found here: Dashboard > Levels > Topics. Obviously, the if you switch to a layout with even fewer that 20 button, there will be some message content that will just not