How to factory restore a C-Series

juli 31, 2016

Here are the steps for restoring a CSeries:
Note: A mouse and keyboard is needed and must be plugged into the device before the system is turned on.
**All information on the system will be lost, so if possible backup all information first.
1. Turn on the CSeries (with a Keyboard and mouse plugged in)
2. As soon as the white "Tobii" screen disappears press F8 on the keyboard repeatedly about once per second.
3. Select "Repair your Computer;" press enter
4. When prompted, be sure that "US" is selected for keyboard layout; click Next.
5. When prompted to log on, select "TobiiUser" from the User name drop down (default value is "TobiiTaskManager"), then enter "Tobii" for the Password; click OK.
6. As a safety precaution, verify that the restoration file exists:
a) Click Command Prompt from the System Recovery Options
b) At the command prompt type the following:
d: <enter>
dir <enter>
c) There should be a file called "recovery.wim" in the list of files and it should be a large file. Recovery.wim is the restoration image and should be about 6GB.
d)If the file exists, go to the next step. If the file does not exist, the Factory Restore cannot be done.
e) Close the command prompt window
7. Click the OEMFactoryRestore Application
8. Click Restore to begin the factory restore. ***This will destroy all information on the C drive***
9. Restart the system once the restore is complete.