I customized a Sample Page Set but it does not appear to save my changes.

juli 18, 2016

Make sure that you click File, then Save as to save your changes to the page set. This will create a duplicate of the Sample Page Set with your changes and leave the original intact.

All of the Sample Page Sets are read only, so the original page set cannot be overwritten. If any changes are made to the Sample Page Set, the default location that the custom page set will be saved under is My Page Sets.

You can browse to the customized page set, if it was saved in My Page Sets, by following these steps:

In Communicator:
1. Click File from the menu bar. If the menu bar is not visible, hit F10 or ESC on a keyboard.
2. Click Run Special Page Set
3. Click View Ready-Mades
4. Click the My Page Sets tab
5. Find the custom version of the Sample Page Set and click it.

In Windows:
1. Click Start
2. Click My Documents
3. Click Communicator 4 or VS Communicator 4
4. Click the appropriate user (Guest by default)
5. Click My Page Sets