Series 5 Page Converter, What Does It Do?

juli 27, 2016


The Series 5 Page Converter takes a Series 5 User file (.user) and converts it to a Compass user file (.bzf).  The resulting file contains:
  • A named .bzf file with all of the folders and pages for the Series 5 user plus any embedded images and sounds used on pages in that user.
  • My Symbols.library  that contains all of the custom symbols from the Series 5 user that actually appeared on pages.  It doesn’t copy everything out of the Series 5 My Symbols library, just the symbols that are actually used.
  • Dummy settings .xml, UserVars.bpf, and userdb.sqlite files.
  • The Series 5 user’s abbreviation expansions and My Phrases

Objects Converted


  • Name

Pages and Popups (Popups become pages)

  • Name               
  • Screen Region
  • Background color
  • Background image
    • Note: .gifs are not converted

  • Background image wrap
  • Scaled and Snugged > Stretch
  • Tiled > Tile
  • Any other > Actual
  • Open Page actions
  • Close Page actions
    • Note:  Series 5 popup Styles (Title Bar, Moveable, Static) all convert to one type in Compass. The Compass style does not have a title bar and you may need to add an action to Close Popup.)


  • Screen region
  • Button type:
    • Word predictor, Character Predictor, Recency > Word Predictor
    • Phrase Predictor > Phrase Predictor
    • All else > normal
  • Word and Phrase Predictors have:
    • Border color
    • Background color
  • Normal Buttons have:
    • Border color
    • Border width
      • Note:  the wider widths are not converted on beveled buttons.
    • Background color
    • Shape:
      • Folder and Flat Folder > Folder
      • Flat, Rectangle, Photo > Rectangle (the flat one)
      • RoundRect > RoundedRect
      • Ellipse > Circle
      • Normal > Chiseled Edge Rectangle
      • Anything else > Rectangle (the flat one)
      • Labels 
      • Symbols
  • Actions
  • Name
  • Messages
  • Audio cue
    • Note: TTS cues, not sound files


  • Screen region   
  • Text of the label
    • Note:  Label location on a button may sometimes change, for example, from the top to the bottom of a button. 
  • Font
    • Note:  There may be font differences between the two platforms that change appearance somewhat.
  • Text color
  • Horizontal text justification
  • Name
  • Messages
  • Any embedded slots are converted to plain text in the label because the slots are not brought forward.

Active Labels

In the Series 5, active labels can be made in two ways:

1.  -  with the active label object in page editing. 
2.  -  using an action such as Insert Active Label  to add an active label in the text of a regular label.
The converter converts the active labels in #1. 
The active labels in #2 become regular text.
  • Screen region
  • Type of the label
    • Day
    • Date
    • Time
    • Keyboard Key  
    • Autospace
    • Autocapitalize
    • Clear after speech
    • Speak on entry
    • None of the rest
  • Font
  • Text color
  • Horizontal text justification


  • Screen region
  • Symbol reference – translated as described below
  • Name
  • Messages

Message Window

  • Screen region
  • Name
  • Messages

Tab Controls

  • Screen region
  • Tab height

Tab Panes

  • Label
  • Symbol
  • Name
    • Note: The names used for tab panes aren’t visible in Compass.
  • Messages
  • The placement of the label and symbol on the header may differ from the Series 5.

Boxes (converted to Group Box)

  • Screen Region
  • Text
  • Name
  • Messages
  • Header for the box is not converted


Active Areas (becomes hot spot)

  • Screen region
  • Actions
  • Name
  • Messages
  • Audio cue
    • Note:  TTS cues, not sound files, are converted.

Objects Not Converted

  • Search Boxes
  • Multipage Objects
    • Note: they are converted so that you can see what you were using in the Series 5, then use a Vocabulary Grid object in Compass.
  • Lines
  • Freeform Buttons
    • Note:  Convert but become rectangular buttons.
  • Freeform Active Areas
    • Note:  Convert but become rectangular buttons.
  • Ebook viewer and Ebook TOC
  • Eye Tracking Status Object
  • Scanning groups are not converted
  • On-screen keyboards are converted but just become pages .
  • Templates are converted into “pages”  (can also be used to make pages “Like Page” in Compass)
  • System Variables

What are we doing with symbols?

  • PCS Symbols – Series 5 had a subset of the PCS symbols.  We map those into DynaVox Compass (their IDs are all different).
  • My Symbols – My Symbols that are attached to buttons, etc., come over into the My Symbols.library file in DynaVox Compass.
  • Everything else – for everything else we use the image from the symbol and create a new symbol stored in My Symbols in Compass.
  • Only the 1st frame of an animated symbol is imported.

Data and Miscellaneous

  • We aren’t bringing over:
    • Settings,
    • Slots,
    • Dictionary entries,
    • Pronunciation Exceptions,
    • Photo albums, or
    • email.
  • Macros are converted to top-level macros
  • Phrases in the Series 5 that have multiple concepts are added to only one Phrase folder in Compass (in Vocabulary/My Phrases) as the organization of My Phrases is different in Compass.

Behaviors Converted to Actions

A list of individual S5 behaviors that will be converted into Compass actions follows.
For scripts, the converter will convert some of the Series 5 behaviors into Compass actions.  Some of the behaviors in the script, however, may not be converted.  The last section of this document lists behaviors that will not be converted. 

Message Window

  • Cursor Up
  • Cursor Down
  • Cursor Left
  • Cursor Right
  • Scroll Up
  • Scroll Down
  • Line Begin
  • Line End
  • Message Window Start
  • Message Window End
  • Previous Word
  • Next Word
  • Previous Sentence
  • Next Sentence
  • Previous Paragraph
  • Next Paragraph
  • Insert Text
  • Insert Image and Text
  • Insert Image and Sound
  • Insert Label
  • Insert Sound Button (M3)
  • Insert New Line
  • Expand Abbreviation
  • Backspace
  • Delete Character
  • Clear
  • Delete Word
  • Select Previous Word
  • Start Selecting
  • Stop Selecting
  • Select All
  • Deselect Text
  • Spell Check
  • Symbol Spell Check
  • Show Word Forms
  • Change Word Form 
  • Symbolate the Selected Text
  • Desymbolate the Selection
  • Search for Text
  • Search Again for Text
  • Copy
  • Cut
  • Paste
  • Chat Mode On or Off
  • Load File
  • Load Text and Symbolate
  • Save Message Window
  • Save Message Window As...
  • Save Message Window As Text...
  • Copy to 'Abbreviation Expansion'
  • Start of Selection
  • End of Selection
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Next Slot
  • Previous Slot
  • Edit Current Slot
  • Insert Slot
  • Insert Text Before Selection
  • Insert Text After Selection
  • Insert Text, Fill Slots
  • Insert Label, Fill Slots
  • Add to 'My Phrases'
  • Make Slot from Selection


  • Close Popup
  • Close All Popups
  • Go to Page
  • Page Forward
  • Page Back
  • Go to Home Page
  • Open Popup Exclusively
  • Popup Exclusively to Position

Speech, Sound and Video

  • Play a Sound
  • Play Video
  • Speak Text
  • Speak Label
  • Volume Up
  • Volume Down
  • Change Volume
  • Change Rate
  • Raise Speech Rate
  • Lower Speech Rate
  • Change Voice
  • Speak Selection
  • Speak Message Window
  • Speak Word
  • Speak Paragraph
  • Speak Sentence

System Tools

  • Setup Menu

System Keyboards

  • Cancel & Close System Keyboard
  • OK & Close System Keyboard
  • Shift Key
  • Ctrl Key
  • Alt Key
  • Caps Lock Key
  • Normal Key Mode
  • Insert Key


  • Source Code Comment
  • While loop
  • If-then
  • Assignment Statement
  • Send Message to Object
  • Speak Expression
  • Set Label
  • Set Symbol
  • Disable
  • Enable
  • Set Color
  • Set Border Color
  • Set Text Color
  • Insert Variable
  • Hide
  • Show
  • Save Open Pages
  • Activate a Macro
  • Broadcast Message
  • Pause
  • Millisecond Pause


  • Launch an Application
  • Open Document
    • Note:  Converts to LaunchFile which may be supported in Compass in the future.
  • Reset Prediction
  • Show More Predictions
  • Show Message
  • Word Prediction On or Off
    • Note:  Converts to TogglePrediction which may be supported in Compass in the future.

Behaviors Not Converted to Actions

The following Series 5 behaviors have not been converted to actions in Compass.  For most of these, the reason is obvious.  For example, entire classes of these have no counterpart in Compass, at least today.  This includes:
  • ECU
  • Computer Access
  • Telephone support
  • Email
  • Some types of navigation like minimizing popups, jumping with search, bookmarks, etc.
  • Some language support like adding prefixes and suffixes with spelling rules, Find Similar Words, Expansion Rules, multi-language support
  • Interaction between Series 5 and onscreen keyboards
  • Text Messaging,
  • ebooks,
  • Some types of Active Labels that depended on variables that aren’t  present in Compass.
  • Media and MP3s beyond simple playing of files
  • most of the Series 5 System Tools
  • Eye tracking and other aspects of selection methods
  • Device-level items
  • The Series 5 idea of photo albums,
  • Programmatic support for editing,
  • Printing
  • Calculator behaviors
Most of these are not supportable in Compass at this time.  Some actions on the following list are possibly supportable under Compass but were left out due to either complexity of support of perceived lack of importance.

ECU, Computer Access, and Telephone Interaction

  • Perform IR Command
  • Enqueue IR Command
  • Set Active Remote Control
  • Play Command from Current Remote
  • Play Command from Specific Remote
  • Send IR Queue
  • Clear IR Queue
  • Perform IR X10 Command
  • Perform GEWA Jupiter Command
  • Perform GEWA 200 Command
  • Perform Possum Phone Command
  • Perform Tash Phone Command
  • Perform 2007 Tash Phone Command
  • Make a Phone Call
  • Disconnect Modem
  • Connect to Modem
  • Ask and Connect to Modem
  • Hang up Phone
  • Dial Selected Phone Number
  • Dial Tone: Zero
  • Dial Tone: One
  • Dial Tone: Two
  • Dial Tone: Three
  • Dial Tone: Four
  • Dial Tone: Five
  • Dial Tone: Six
  • Dial Tone: Seven
  • Dial Tone: Eight
  • Dial Tone: Nine
  • Dial Tone: A
  • Dial Tone: B
  • Dial Tone: C
  • Dial Tone: D
  • Dial Tone: On or Off Hook
  • Dial Tone: Star
  • Dial Tone: Pound
  • Send Label
  • Send Key
  • Send Key Press
  • Send Key Release
  • Send Special Key
  • Send Text
  • Send Text, Fill Slots
  • Send Mouse Button Click
  • Send Mouse Move
  • Send Absolute Mouse Move
  • Send Continuous Mouse Move
  • Send To...
  • Send to the Next Window
  • Alternate Output
  • Change Window Position Or Size (Internal Only)
  • Send Windows Button (Internal Only)
  • Send Dialog Control (Internal Only)
  • Start Scanning Mouse (Internal Only)
  • Send SerialKeys Command (Bluetooth Only)
  • Change Active Program (Internal Only)
  • Cancel Bluetooth AccessIT Output
  • Minimize Series 5
  • Maximize or Restore Series 5
  • Turn On Alternate Output
  • Turn Off Alternate Output
  • Turn On Speech with Alternate Output
  • Turn Off Speech with Alternate Output

Email and Text Messaging

  • Show Text Message Browser
  • New Text Message
  • Quick Text Message
  • Quick Text Message To...
  • Send Text Message Wizard
  • Complete Text Message
  • Quick Reply to Current Text Message
  • Check for Text Messages
  • Read Next Text Message
  • Read Previous Text Message
  • Show Email Browser
  • Show Attachments Browser
  • New Email
  • Quick Email
  • Quick Email To...
  • Send Email Wizard
  • Complete Email
  • Quick Reply to Current Email
  • Check for Email Messages
  • Read Next Email Message
  • Read Previous Email Message
  • Email message window
  • Email to an address


  • Open eBook
  • Previous Page
  • Next Page
  • eBook Page to Message Window
  • eBook Page to Vocabulary Clipboard
  • Symbolate eBook Page
  • Desymbolate eBook Page
  • Load eBook
  • Unload eBook
  • eBook Reader
  • Scroll eBook
  • Adjust eBook Font Size
  • Download eBook
  • Create Bookmark
  • Jump to Bookmark
  • Jump to Specific Bookmark
  • Play/Pause/Resume eBook Speech
  • Assign Loaded eBook to a Button

Media / MP3

  • Open Media File
  • Sing
  • Play a Music File
  • Play Music from Folder
  • Browse for Music Folder
  • Next Song
  • Previous Song
  • Play/Pause/Resume
  • Stop
  • Change Playback Rate
  • Fast Forward
  • Rewind
  • Toggle Shuffle
  • Clear Playlist
  • Music Volume Up
  • Music Volume Down
  • Music Settings
  • Change Repeat Mode
  • Pause or Resume Video
  • Stop Video

Language and Vocabulary

  • Set Language
  • Flexible Abbreviation Expansion On or Off
  • Context Prediction On or Off
  • Auto Expand On or Off
  • Speak 'My Phrases' On or Off
  • Insert 'My Phrases' On or Off
  • Autoclose 'My Phrases' On or Off
  • Find Similar Words
  • Set Phrase Button Concepts
  • Character Prediction Insert
  • Phrase Prediction Insert
  • Prediction Insert
  • Expand One With Rule and Replace
  • Expand All With Rules and Present
  • Load Expansion Rules
  • Clear Expansion Rules
  • Add Prefix
  • Add Suffix
  • Learn Vocabulary
  • Edit Slot Words
  • Is Filler in Slot?
  • Does Word Match Part of Speech?


  • Close Page
  • Minimize Popup
  • Maximize All Popups
  • Search for a Page with Content
  • Go to Page & Search
  • Exit Onscreen Keyboard
  • Scroll Up Search Box
  • Scroll Down Search Box
  • Set Bookmark
  • Go to Bookmark
  • Open Previous Page + Popups
  • Open Next Page + Popups
  • Return an Integer
  • Next Parent Page
  • Previous Parent Page
  • Activate Tab Pane
  • Jump to Named Page


  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Multiply
  • Divide
  • Equal
  • Square Root
  • Change Sign
  • Percentage
  • Y to the X
  • (
  • )
  • Reciprocal
  • Squared
  • Sin
  • Cosine
  • Tangent

Message Window

  • Speak When Inserting On or Off
  • Autospacing On or Off
  • Autocapitalize On or Off
  • Autoclear On or Off
  • Highlight As You Speak On or Off
  • Set Default Font
  • Speak Random Text
  • Insert Active Label
  • Select Active Label and Insert
  • Insert Random Text
  • Change Font
  • Load Named File
  • Capitalize or Lowercase Word
  • Combine Last 2 Words Into One
  • Load File and Speak
  • Set Message Window Font


  • Temporary Volume
  • Temporary Rate
  • Temporary Voice
  • Stop Speaking
  • Query for Speech Rate
  • Query for Voice

System Tools

  • Concept Browser
  • Interface Features Menu
  • Camera
  • Photo Album Browser
  • Media Browser
  • File Browser
  • Open a User Files Directory
  • Page Browser
  • Preference Wizard
  • Prediction Settings Menu
  • Speech Controls Menu
  • System Settings
  • Tools
  • Email & Text Messaging
  • User Manager
  • Page Editing Preferences
  • Macro Editor
  • Symbol Browser
  • Battery Information
  • IR Browser
  • Phone Menu
  • Address Book
  • Reminders Menu
  • Reports Menu
  • Dictionary Browser
  • Chat with Tech Support
  • MP3 Player
  • Abbreviation Expansions
  • Calculator
  • Show a System Menu
  • Page Navigator
  • Open 'My Phrases'
  • Open 'My Phrases' with Concept

Eye Tracking and Other Selection Methods

  • Eye Tracking Status Menu
  • Eye Tracking Calibration
  • Eye Tracking Calibration - Reset
  • Eye Tracking Calibration - Improve
  • Eye Tracking Wizard
  • Hide Hotspots
  • Disable Eye Timeout
  • Toggle Slow Fine Tuning Near Target (Internal Only)
  • Toggle Fine Tuning (Internal Only)
  • Enable Fine Tuning (Internal Only)
  • Disable Fine Tuning (Internal Only)
  • Increase Scan Speed
  • Decrease Scan Speed
  • Increase Mouse Pause Time
  • Decrease Mouse Pause Time
  • Increase Joystick Pause Time
  • Decrease Joystick Pause Time
  • Increase Eye Tracking Dwell Time
  • Decrease Eye Tracking Dwell Time
  • Set Selection Method
  • Set Scan Speed
  • Set Mouse Scan Speed
  • Set Mouse Pause Time
  • Set Eye Tracking Dwell Time
  • Set Eye Tracking Selection Type
  • Set Scan Pattern
  • Set Next Scan
  • Mouse Pause On or Off
  • Eye Tracking On or Off
  • Audio Feedback Louder
  • Audio Feedback Softer


  • Go to Sleep
  • Save to Card
  • Volume Setting
  • Software Reset
  • Shut Down Device
  • Enable Integrated Bluetooth and Wireless Networking
  • Disable Integrated Bluetooth and Wireless Networking
  • Exit Software
  • Restart Device
  • Put Device Into Standby
  • Put Device Into Hibernate
  • Change Brightness
  • Set Backlight Timeout
  • Toggle Joystick Mouse (Internal Only)

Camera and Photo Albums

  • Speak The Photo Caption and/or Description
  • Open Photo Album
  • Choose Photo Album
  • Previous Page
  • Previous Photo
  • Make This The Current Photo
  • Next Photo
  • Next Page
  • Delete Photo
  • Delete Photo With Confirmation
  • Play/Pause/Resume Slide Show (Basic)
  • Play/Pause/Resume Slide Show (Extended)
  • Stop Slide Show
  • Open Camera View Finder
  • Close Camera View Finder
  • Capture Photo
  • Discard Photo
  • Save Photo
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Pan Left
  • Pan Right
  • Tilt Up
  • Tilt Down
  • Go to Page & Open Photo Album
  • Go to Page & Choose Photo Album
  • Go to Page & Keep The Same Photo Album
  • Set Symbol from Camera


  • Copy to 'Insert Text'
  • Copy to 'Speak Text'
  • Copy to 'Insert Text' With Confirmation
  • Copy to 'Speak Text' With Confirmation
  • Edit Button
  • Modify
  • Edit Page


  • Print Screen
  • Print All
  • Print Text
  • Print Selection


  • Random
  • Create Subroutine
  • Call Subroutine
  • Store Symbol Name
  • Set Symbol to Named Symbol
  • Set Permanent Variable
  • Explode Word
  • Explode Sentence
  • Fill Array
  • Fill Array from Search
  • Fill Array from Slot Words
  • Fill Array from Slot Symbols
  • Fill Array with Choices for System Variable
  • Broadcast Message After Delay
  • Broadcast Message Repeatedly
  • Make String Speakable
  • Set Background
  • Set Behaviors
  • Set Font
  • Move Object to Position
  • Move Object by Amount
  • Ask User For a String
  • Ask User For a Number
  • Ask User a Yes or No Question
  • Ask User For a Symbol
  • Ask User For a Sound
  • Get a Symbol
  • Ask User for a Page Name
  • Get a Label
  • Get Clipboard
  • Get a Position
  • Get a Size
  • Copy Named List
  • Stop Behaviors
  • Ask Yes or No Before Proceeding


  • Title Bar Show or Hide
  • Full Screen On or Off
  • User Setup Wizard
  • Create New User Wizard
  • Load User Setup
  • Save User Setup
  • Programmed Import of Shared Package
  • Send to Server
  • Always Maximize Dropped Images
  • New Sudoku Grid