When I press on the touch screen I get a right click menu

juli 20, 2016

The touchscreen is by default set to activating right click when the screen is pressed for 1 second or longer. If right click is activated unintentionally there are two available solutions:

  1. To disable Auto Right Click:
    1. Close all programs
    2. Click Start
    3. Click All Programs
    4. Click eGalaxTouch
    5. Click Configure Utility
    6. Click the Setting tab
    7. Click the Option button
    8. Uncheck Enable Auto Right Click
    9. Click OK
    10. Click OK, again.
  2. An alternative option if you still want right click enabled:
    1. Follow instructions 1.1 - 1.7.
    2. Lengthen the left click time by setting the Auto Right Click Time further to the right